We have decided to discontinue this activity. Thank you for any donations you mat have made.
The West Linn Lions are collecting athletic/sport shoes and turning them into GotSneakers, Inc, a non profit corporation who in turn gives them to the needy in the USA and abroad.
Benefits Depending on the condition GotSneakers will send the Lions a check between $1 to $7 a pair. The Lions are supporting the local West Linn Food Pantry with its target goal for feeding the hungry. If you like, we can also offer a tax receipt through our 501c3 Foundation for your charitable donation, if you provide us with name and address. Location and Time We are collecting sneakers every Wednesday behind the West Linn Safeway right off Parker Street between 9:30 and 12:30 along with our plastics recycling. We then take the bags to Fedex for free shipping to GotSneakers. |
For more information about the GotSneakers program, goto https://gotsneakers.com/. For more information about our involvement with the program, email Lion Mike Watters [email protected] or phone 503 891 4665. |