The West Linn Lions Club supports the efforts by Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) to screen for vision problems for all elementary school children in Oregon. OLSHF has a highly efficient program using state-of-the-art technology to screen the vision of children quickly but effectively (averaging 15-20% of screened children to be referred to optometrists to explore potential problems further). OLSHF provides hand-held SPOT devices that can be literally point at child and click easy, along with training, and troubleshooting. Our Club provides volunteers to use the SPOT devices. Typically, with about four device stations an entire class of children can be screened in about 10-15 minutes. OLSHF provides screening results to the school district. Notifications of children who may have exhibited a vision problem are then sent to the child's parents with a recommendation to see an optometrist for further diagnosis. Schools: The West Linn Lions Club support screenings at all 6 West Linn elementary schools: Trillium Creek, Sunset, Cedar Oak, Willamette Primary, Bolton and Stafford Primary schools. Schedule (Unsure if or when Vision Screenings will be performed): School screening are generally in February or March. The current screening schedule is: |
School |
Date |
Time |
Trillium Creek |
Sunset |
Cedar Oak |
Willamette |